Are You Ready to Take Your Marketing to the Next Level -
AND Save Time and Money?
Social media, blog and newsletter content, videos, and podcasts...
How can you stay on top of it all?

You're busy. We get it.
As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate. When you first started out, bootstrapping your own marketing activities worked - to a point.
Now that you are growing, the DIY approach just isn't enough.
➡️ If your social media marketing is falling behind - or nonexistent...
➡️ If you want to expand your marketing activities but don't know how...
➡️ If you just plain need more time for your business (and your life)...
💥 A Marketing Assistant is the answer! 💥


Discover what a Marketing Assistant can do for you!
Your solution for saving time, saving money, and scaling your business:
How to Hire, Onboard, and Work with A Marketing Assistant!
💥 Marketing Assistant Mindset Formula
💥 5-Step Hiring Road Map
💥 Complete Onboarding Blueprint
💥 25-Page Policies and Procedures Manual
💥 Comprehensive Video Training
💥 Resources, Tools, Trackers, and Examples
💥 Save Dozens of Hours and Thousands of Dollars - We Have Done the Hard Work for You!
Everything You Need to Hire, Onboard, and Work Productively with Your Own Marketing Assistant!
Only $3,000!
Marketing is Essential if You Want Your Firm to Grow.
People can't hire you if they don't know you exist!
That doesn't mean you need to be doing All.The.Things, though.
A Marketing Assistant can do a lot to take those marketing activities off your plate,
keeping your message in front of your ideal audience!
💥More Time in Your Day.
💥 More Client Engagement.
💥Full Pipelines and More Sales!
What You'll Get in How to Hire, Onboard, and Work With a Marketing Assistant:
🔥 Marketing Assistant Mindset
Learn what a Marketing Assistant does, what expectations to hold, and how to
help your new Marketing Assistant be productive and profitable from the very start!
🔥 Your 5-Step Hiring Roadmap
From writing the job description and vetting candidates to presenting an offer, you will be able to
find and hire the right Marketing Assistant for your company.
🔥 Comprehensive Onboarding Blueprint
Your complete onboarding system! This includes a detailed onboarding calendar, all the details to
onboard an in-house or remote Marketing Assistant, your training processes, and far more.
Equip your Marketing Assistant to understand your messaging and strategy from the very start!
🔥 Marketing Projects and Tasks
Our Fast Track Package includes detailed Marketing Systems so you can quickly delegate projects knowing the policies, procedures, checklists, examples, and templates have provided the right foundation for success!
🔥 Comprehensive Policies and Procedures Manual
Ensure that your Marketing Assistant is ready to handle the job from Day 1 with a comprehensive, 25-page Policies and Procedures Manual.
*This manual is editable, so you can easily tailor it to your company and needs!
🔥 Tools and Resources
From checklists and templates to clear examples, you will find everything your Marketing Assistant needs to be successful!
Meet Your Instructor, Kristen David!

As a young attorney, I worked 80+ hours a week to build my practice - and though I loved my work, I had no freedom.
After ten years of trying to juggle it all, I learned how to truly run my business like a business. I wrote a business plan and executed on the things that matter.
I doubled and then doubled again over 18 months as I implemented the systems in all areas of business that allowed me to regain my freedom.
When I sold my successful law practice, I began coaching and teaching lawyers across the country (and all around the world) how to build and manage their businesses while living the life they love.
Since then, I have built a business that allows me to do what I love - coaching and teaching entrepreneurs in a variety of industries. I teach them how to manage their businesses through the replicable policies and procedures that have allowed me to double my own business, multiple times, while still taking time for myself.
Nothing beats a growing, profitable business and being able to spend time connecting with friends and family, sometimes at home and sometimes while visiting places I had previously only dreamed of.
This is what I would love to share with you!
Rave Reviews About this Program!

Brian R. - Chicago, IL
"This program broke all of the things down for me..."
If you're looking at this, you might be thinking about hiring a Marketing Assistant. I've been in that boat for a while, but I've found reasons to kind of push it off for quite some time because I've been afraid of all the things that I don't know. This program actually took all of the things that I need to know about what the Marketing Assistant can do, how to hire them, and broke it down into bite size nuggets that I was able to understand so that I can actually move forward and get the Marketing Assistant that I need.

Laura F. - Atlanta, GA
"I have really enjoyed Kristen's marketing modules..."
Kristen's marketing modules are especially helpful...they broke down all the different ways we can market and how to implement those [methods] in our practices. I think like any small business owner, you may be looking for ways you can improve your marketing, targeting on things that would be beneficial to your ideal client and how to reach them. I would encourage you to work with Kristen to help build and grow your business.

Sherri S. - Palm Harbor, FL
Do yourself and your business a great big favor and sign up today!
As business owners, we don't know what we don't know. The advantage to doing Kristen's program is that you're busy as a business owner, and she really breaks this down into bite size, easy to understand pieces. She makes it simple and easy and quick. She will take you step by step through every single piece, and you have lifetime access so you can go back and review. She even gives you the bonus pieces that you can download and save!
Am I Ready to Hire a Marketing Assistant?
How Much Time Will This Program Take?
How Much Time Can a Marketing Assistant Save Me?

Discover how to keep your marketing content posted consistently and save yourself valuable time!

How to Hire, Onboard, and Work With a Marketing Assistant!